



Telecom Reference Sites
Cell Phone Recycle:
877-2recycle (7329253)
Telecommunications Magazine Library - white papers submitted by vendors and analysts.
Long Distance Rate Search Resources:
Google search on Long Distance Rates
Lists "Best Rate Calculator", Satellite TV
Instate (intrastate)LD
Selected cities not Seattle, looks like VOIP gateways
Best rate calculator http://longdist.net/?1strateld
Calculates rates for calls to over seas
See Seattle PI business section articles by Personal Finance columnist, Jane Bryant Quinn, part 1 7/19/01, "Read your telephone company's disclosure" and part 2, 7/24/01, "phone-rate confusion soon should start to lift":
Telecommunications Research & Action Center (TRAC);
Free rate comparisons, www.trac.org, best carrier amongst 7, send $5 for TRAC's long-distance comparison chart, Box 27279, Washington, D.C., 20005, include self-addressed business size envelope and 55 cents in stamps;
Resellars' list see: www.saveonphone.com;
Rate comparison of "10-10s" call arounds: www.10-10phonerates.com or www.trac.org;
Detariff info, www.detariff.com;
Surplus equipment:
Telecom articles
Good Links for http://home.kc.rr.com/wgeary/NATOA/LinksandIndex/Links.htm#Open%20Access
!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en" Cable Telephony & Telecom Regulation
US Federal
FCC Federal Communications Commission US State
NARUC http://www.naruc.org/ National Association of Regulatory Utility Commisioners Numbering Plan & Local Number Portability
North American Numbering Council http://www.fcc.gov/ccb/Nanc/ (Advises the Federal Communications Commission and makes recommendations, reached through industry consensus, that foster efficient and impartial number administration.)
NPAC Number Portability Administration Center (from Lockheed Martin )
NANPA North American Numbering Plan Administration (from Lockheed Martin )
Traffic Routing Administration Telephone Number Portability Resources (from Ported Communications)
Area Code Information (from Legacy IS Networking & Communications Solutions ) Telecom & Computing Research Laboratories
Access Power (IEC) (flat rate long distance)
Access Wisconsin (consortium of Wisconsin telephone companies)
Ameritech (LEC: local exchange carrier) (RBOC: Regional Bell Operating Company - a decendant of AT&T)
AT&T (IEC: inter-exchange carrier - long distance)
AT&T Canada
Bell Atlantic (LEC) (RBOC)
BellSouth (LEC) (RBOC)
BT British Telecom (England)
Cable & Wireless Group
Cable & Wireless (England)
Cable & Wireless (US)
Century Telephone Enterprises (LEC)(IEC)(wireless)(ISP)
Concert (IEC) (result of the MCI/BT merger)
Deutsche Telekom (Germany)
EXCEL Commmunications (IEC)
France Telecom (France)
Frontier Corporation (IEC)(OCC)(wireless)(formerly Rochester Telephone)
GTE (LEC) (OCC: Other Common Carrier - independant - not a decendant of AT&T)
Iridium (global wireless telecommunications)
KMC Telecom (Competitive Local Exchange Carrier)
LDDS WorldCom (IEC)
Mid-Plains Telephone
Media One The merger of US West and Continental Cablevision
MFS Telecom (CAP: Competitive Access Provider)
Norlight (IEC)
NTT Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (Japan)
Pacific Bell (LEC) (RBOC)
Pioneer Communications (LEC) (CATV)
Rock Hill Telephone Company (LEC)
Roseville Telephone Company (LEC)
SNET Southern New England Telephone (LEC) (OCC)
SBC Southwestern Bell Communications (LEC) (RBOC)
Seren (cable; CLEC)
Sprint (IEC)
Telephone and Data Systems (TDS) (OCC)
Aerial Communications (PCS)
TDS Telecom (LEC)(ILEC)
TDS Metrocom (CLEC)
US Link (OCC)(ISP)
United States Cellular (Cellular)
Telenor telecom, IT and media company in Norway
Telia telephone company in Sweden
Telephonica Argentina
TCG Teleport Communications Group (CAP) Telstra (Australia)
USXchange (CLEC)
US West (LEC) (RBOC)
Vodaphone (mobile in the United Kingdom)
Williams Communications New "Hybrid" Packet Telecommunications Companies
Enron Communications
Level 3 Communications
Qwest Other Telecom Information Resources
ATIS: Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
ATM Forum
Broadband Telephony Buyer's Guide
CLEC.COM (web publisher in the Competitve Local Exchange Carrier industry)
Frame Relay Forum
Evert Communications Limited Canadian Communications Reports covers the cable and wireless sectors and Network Letter covers the telephone industry, including regulation and policy issues
Global Telecom Business
Global Telecommunications Society
Inter@ctive Week , published by Ziff Davis , a Softbank company.
ITU International Telecommunications Union
IEC the International Engineering Consortium, presenter of the National Communications Forums (NCF) NECA National Exchange Carrier Association
NTCA National Telephone Cooperative Association
Telecom Digest Telecom AM (Daily Telecommunications News from Warren Publishing )
Telecom Forum
Telecom Information Resources Very good telecommunications list by Jeffrey MacKie-Mason
Telco Times (online newsletter) Telephony Magazine
Telecom Insider from Price Waterhouse Coopers
~Telecom Research Services
Telcordia (telecommunications research firm; owned by SAIC Science Applications International; formerly called Belcore)
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association USTA United States Telephone Association - the trade association of the US telephone industry
Wisconsin State Telecommunications Association Expositions and Training
IEC the International Engineering Consortium, presenter of the National Communications Forums (NCF)
Supercom US telecom exposition
ITU Telecom world telecom exposition Back to the Cable Home Page Comments to: Dave Devereaux-Weber djdevere@doit.wisc.edu Last Updated: 22-December-2000
