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Free WiFi Amenity <
Free WiFi Amenity

"Adding value with free WiFi."

Free WiFi reduces costs, adding value. As smart phones become a requirement you can add value to reduce data plan costs through offering free WiFi. Take the aggregate of your needs for high speed Internet and offer a single high speed Internet provider's bandwidth over free WiFi.

Free WiFi is one of those amenities that will set you apart by adding value.

Free WiFi offers high-speed Internet at low cost through leveraging a single entry/cost of a high-speed Internet provider. High-speed Internet is more and more a necessity as more play and work from home/apartment/on-the-road. "Mobility" is highly valued and is where WiFi shines.

WiFi can be deployed inexpensively and therefore lends itself to easily be covered in current costs. WiFi can reduce costs of the smart phone data use and offer greater use of games, streaming movies, etc. all depend heavily on high-speed Internet. If you added up your total telecommunication costs: cell phone, cable TV, Internet and landline your total bill is well over one if not over $300 a month. Telecommunications is likely your most expensive utility ... but virtually a requirement in today's world.

Set yourself apart with offering free WiFi and become identified as "value conscious".

Interests/comments appreciated, contact:

Lare & Associates LLC

206-465-1435 or email:

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