Stop Fees How to stop unnecessary fees on your phone bills.
Unnecessary fees could be raising the cost of your landline
phone, cell phone, and data costs. Stop these unnecessary
fees/costs with the following steps:
* Take a look at your phone bill(s), can you explain why you
are being charged each of those charges? If you can't, best
you do as "Cramming" is back.
* Cramming is the tacking of unrequested service fees on
your phone bill. It has been a problem for land-line phones
for years. It appears now to be a problem with cell phones.
* Cell phone customers are finding themselves enrolled in
unrequested service fees, without their consent, often in the
$9 range (ref. 4/8/2012 NYTimes "To Stop Cramming Don't Let It Start").
These fees are being generated by Short Message Services (SMS),
unsolicited, by default your enlisted/opted-in, i.e. you must opt-out.
* If you find yourself a victim of Cramming, stop it by
requesting your carrier place a block on future Short
Message Services (SMS).
* If you have been a victim of Cramming or any other
unnecessary fees don't hesitate to demand a refund for the
months you have been charged.
Power down your costs through scrutinizing your bills
for unjustified fees.
Interests/comments appreciated, contact:
Lare & Associates LLC
206-465-1435 or email: chuck@lareassoc.com