Washington Small Business Alliance (WSBA)
- a commitment to generating significant increases
in business for Washington State Small Businesses.
The Washington Small Business Alliance (WSBA)
- recognizes the difficulties of Small Businesses in capturing
significant market share. Through the Alliance, the
Public and Private Sectors are encouraged to provide greater
opportunities in doing business with Small Businesses.
The Alliance leverages:
Small into Large Businesses
Growing more local jobs
Local jobs - inherently more likely to be retained
Compounding economic prosperity
To this end the Alliance advocates
to bring about greater opportunities
for Small Businesses generating greater local job growth.
Are you, and/or do you know of interested principal representatives of Small Businesses (less than 100 employees)? Join to advocate for your and other Small Businesses. Through the Washington Small Business Alliance, prosper in more business
and local job growth,
contact Chuck at, chuck@lareassoc.com.